Friday, September 26, 2008

Mashup- Celebrity Pictures

This celebrity mashup allows users to search for their favorite actress, model, or singer. The site uses Yahoo, Google, and YouTube. For every female celebrity, people can look up their profile, pictures, videos, and recent news about them. Personally, I do not see any real purpose for this site, other than learning simple facts about your favorite female celebrity and looking up racy pictures of her. In my opinion, it might be more of a site for men since most of the pictures are a bit too sexy for a woman's taste. Under videos for singers, the site has video clips of their performances; this is really the only useful thing I can see with using this site. The layout and structure of the site is nice and inviting, but the actual content is unnecessary and pointless.

Link to mashup:

1 comment:

ahartsell said...

Amazing how much Web 2.0 technology is devoted to celebrity stuff! Just think of all the celebrity blogs out there.